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03 Jul '16

Woman in Saudi Arabia Cross Cultural Views

Book: The "Woman in Saudi Arabia" 

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women saudi


  1. Western Stereotypical Image of Saudi Women
  2. Islam Honors Women
  3. Saudi Women and Driving
  4. Saudi Women’s Ambitions
  5. Obstacles Facing Saudi Women
  6. Saudi Women’s Education: History, Reality and Challenges
  7. Single-Sex Education in Saudi Arabia
  8. Lack of Understanding of the Reality of Saudi Women
  9. Moral Modernity Mirage in Coeducation
  10. An Overview of the Economic Reality of Saudi Women
  11. Open letter to Saudis
  12. and more (total pages: 164)

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22 Apr '16

The Arab Mind - Book Summary By Raphael Patai, 466 pages

Publicado por Nosheen Z en The Arab Mind - Book Summary

This book is an analysis of the Arab psyche and their character. The book explains the Arabic language, their history and their habits to describe why Arabs are the way they are. It discusses Islam as the main binding factor for the Arabs and how it binds the Muslim world in general. The relationship of the Arabian people and their perceptions of non-Arabs are also discussed in the book alongwith their relationship with the minorities residing in the Arab world.

  • Provides anthropological analysis of the Arabs
  • Details how the Arab world percieves the non-Arab world
  • Elaborats on the social customs and the habits of the Arabs
  • Describes Honor-Shame cornerstone of Arab society
  • Provides many cultural quirks of the Arabs
  • and more...