Brief Synopsis:
This book aims at helping non-Arab Muslims recite the Quran with correct articulation and pronunciation. The easy to follow tajweed rules presented in this book can be very useful in correcting and perfecting the pronunciation of the language of the Quran. It is designed to aid the speakers of English language. Some features of this book are:
- Tajweed rules and guidelines for the English speaking readers for reciting the Quran with correct intonation.
- Correct pronunciation of the Arabic words and alphabets from correct points of articulations.
- It presents a table of symbols in English language with transliteration of Arabic alphabets. This table is taken from the translation of the Quran written by the late Abdullah Yousuf Ali.
- Some chapters explain the virtues and etiquettes of recitation and memorization of the Quran, division of the Quran and the seven readings.
- An awareness of the principles of the art of recitation and intonation.
This book is a thorough study of the art of recitation and tajweed to aid the English speaking readers of the Quran.
This book guides readers to pronunciate the Arabic alphabet from their correct point of articulations. It also guides them to recite the Holy Quran according to the laws and principles of the art of recitation and intonation.
The correct pronunciation of the Arabic words and alphabet was difficult to some extent for the people living in the West as compared to those of East. So they need some more efforts to solve this problem and to make it easy for them.
By the grace of Allah, this book will do the job successfully and in a very convenient way.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction of the Book
- Transliteration of Arabic Alphabets and Some Symbols in
- English Language
- Contents of the Book
- The Book in Your Hands
- Some Topics from Sciences of the Quran
- The Holy Quran
- Virtues of Recitation of the Holy Quran
- Etiquette for Reciting the Holy Quran
- The Recitation and its Dependence on the Oral Learning
- Memrization of the Holy Quran
- Division of the Holy Quran
- Suwar of the Holy Quran
- The Uthman's Scripts of the Holy Quran
- Where is the Uthman's Script ?
- Written Text of the Holy Quran
- The Seven Readings
- Seven A' immah and their Famous Transmitters
- The Seven Ahruf and the Qira atus Sab
- Criteria for the acceptance of Qiraat
- Relationship between the Seven Ahruf and the Seven Qiraat
- The Chain Of Narration Of the QiraatusSab
- Tafsirul Quran-il Karim
- Asbabun Nuzul
- Styles of the Recitation
- Ilmut Tajweed
- The Science of Tajweed
- The Defination of Tajweed
- Importance of Tajweed
- The Lahn
- The lahn
- Defination and Importance of the Lahn
- Kinds of Lahn
- Explicit Mistake
- Implicit Mistake
- Alistiazah and Al-Basmalah
- Alistiazah and Al-Basmalah
- Defination And Importance
- Four posible ways for Istiazah and Basmalah
- Waslul Jamee
- Faslul Jamee
- Faslul Auwal wa Wasluththani Bith thalith
- Waslul Auwal Biththani wa Fasluth thalith
- Beginning of a surah during the recitation
- Alphabet's Articulation Places
- Alphabet's Articulation Places
- Defination and Kinds of Makharij
- Places of Articulation (Explanation)
- Five General Places of Articulation
- The Teeth in the Mouth of a Human Being
- Names Of the Individual Teeth
- The Difference between Alif and Hamzah
- Different Shapes and Sounds of Hamzah
- How do we know the Correct Places of
- Articulation for the Alphabets
- Compulsory Characterstics
- Compulsory Characterstics of the Alphabet
- Definition of the word 'Characterstic"
- Kinds of the Compulsory Characterstics
- A List of Adversary Characterstics
- A List of Non-Adversary Characterstics
- Adversary Characterstics (Explanation)
- Non-Adversary Characterstics (Explanation)
- The Difference between the letters Adh-Dhaad and Ad-Daal
- How do we know the Characterstics of an Alphabet
- Tables for the Alphabets with their Places of Articulation and Characterstics
- Temporary Charactersics
- Definition of the Temporary Charactersics
- The Most Common Temporary Charactersics
- Rules for Noon Sakinah and Noon Tanween
- Rules for Noon Sakinah and Noon Tanween
- Definition of Noon Sakinah and Noon Tanween
- The Dissimilation
- The Assimilation
- The Absolute Dissimilation
- The Changing
- The Hiding
- Rules for Meem Sakinah
- Rules for Meem Sakinah
- Al-Idgamush Shafawiy
- Al-Ikhfa ush Shafawiy
- Al-Izahrush Shafawiy
- Rule for the Double Noon and the Double meem
- Rules for the Definite Article ,i.e.,Al as a Prefix
- Rule for the Definite Article 'Al' as a Prefix
- Al-Izharul Qamari
- Al-Idgamush Shamsiy
- Thick and Thin Voice of the Alphabet
- Rule for the Thick and Thin Voice of Alif
- Rules for the Letter Laam in the Name of Allah and
- Allahumma
- Conditions of Thickness and Thinness in pronunciation of
- the Letter Ra
- Conditions for Thick voice of the letter Ra
- Conditions for Thin voice of the letter Ra
- General Discussion of the Assimilation
- Kinds of two letter in Gathering
- Al-Mutamathilan
- Al-Mutajanisan
- AL-Mutaqariban
- Al-Mutabaidan
- The Prolonging
- The Prolonging (Introduction)
- Kinds of Natural prolonging
- Secondary and Derived Prolonging
- Al-Maddul Mutssil
- Al-Maddul Munfassil
- Al-Maddullazim Al-Kilm Al-Mukhaffaf
- Al-Maddullazim Al-Kilm Al-Muthaqqal
- First condition
- Second condition
- Third condition
- Fourth condition
- The Stopping at the Letter Ta for Feminine Gender
- The Stopping at the Letter Ta for Feminine Gender
- Ta ut Ta nith
- Ha ut Ta nith
- Connective Hamzah
- A Connective Hamzah and the Rule of Beginning with it
- The First Letter of an Arabic Word
- Definition of Hamzatul wasl
- Rules of Vowelization for Hamzatul wasl
- Vowelization of Hamzatul wasl at the begining of the Noun
- The Regular Noun
- Noun of the Pentagonal Verrb
- Noun of the Hexagonal Verb
- Irregular Nouns
- Vowelization of Hamzatul wasl at the begining of the Verb
- Vowelization of Hamzatul wasl at the begining of the Letters
- Some Miscellaneous Topics Related to Riwayat Hafs
- Different twelve Principle for the pronunciation
- of Some Typical Words
- What is Imalah
- What is Tashil
- Epilogue
- Table of the Quranic Suwar
- The References
- Index
- Contents of the Book (In Arabic)
- Introduction of the author
Other Sources:
Dua testifying to the glory of Allah’s name |
Dua that Saved Prophet Ibrahim from the Fire (and hardship) |
Amazing Miracles of Islam and Quran |
Amend Deeds and Ask Forgiveness - Surah Ahzab Verse 70-71 |