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The Last World - Islamic Beliefs on the Next World of the Hereafter

The Last World - Islamic Beliefs on the Next World of the Hereafter



This illustrated full-color book covers everything from the spectacles of death, issues of the grave, signs of the hour, blowing of the trumpet, the resurrection, the day of judgment, ending with the description of hell and paradise. The famous author, Dr. Muhammad Adb Al-Rahman Al-Arifi, has done an excellent job of explaining all the issues along with proofs from the Qur'an & Sunnah in an easy to understand manner. 

last day

ISBN-10 6035003834
Author Dr. Muhammad Al-'Areefi
Translator Suleman Fulani
Binding Hardback
Pages 600
Size in Inches 7x9.5x1.10
Size in Centimeters 17.5x24x3
Format Full Color
Actual Weight 2.75