Beautiful full-color 16-line Indo-Pak/Persian script Tajweed Qur'an (Mushaf) (# 7B) by Dar-us-Salam in easy-to-read bold script. Each page has 16 lines per page and is used mostly by Huffaz (those memorizing the Quran) and as such is called Hafizi. It has color-coded Tajweed rules with the tajweed key at the bottom of each page. Additionally, rules of pronunciation are mentioned in Urdu at the end of the Quran. Hardback book size: 6x8.5x1.30" (15x21.5x3.5cm). Printed by Darussalam Publishers & Distributors.
Product Attributes::
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 561
Size in inches: 6x8.5x1.30
Size in CM: 15x21.5x3.5