In order to understand the true message of Allah we must read it with explanations from those who have spent years in order to understand Quranic scripture. Al Quran is an effort in this direction and intends to make muslims more aware of their holy scripture and its meaning.
Al-Quran - the Guidance for mankind, is a unique translation of the Holy Qur'an in contemporary American English. It includes the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, his mission as a Prophet, his ranking as in the human history. It includes the entire Text of the Holy Qur'an.
Its features include:-
- Field Testing the Communication of Divine Message: The unique feature of this translation is its field testing for over 3 1/2 years to improve the communication and understanding of the Divine Message. Translation passages were given to the New Muslim and Non-Muslim high school and college students for reading under the supervision of various Ulema (scholars). After reading, the person was asked to explain as to what he/she understood from the passage. If his/her understanding was the same as is in the Arabic Text of the Holy Qur'an then we concluded that we have been successful in conveying the Divine Message properly. If his/her understanding wa! s different than what the Qur'anic verses were stating, we kept on rewording the translation until those verses were understood properly. It was tremendous patience on part of the participants. May Allah reward them all.
- Simplicity: In this translation Simple Language and Direct Approach is used for appealing to the common sense of scholars and common people.
- Understandability: There are no foot notes to refer and no commentary or lengthy explanations to read. All necessary explanations have been incorporated right there in the text with italic type setting to differentiate from the translation of the meanings of Qur'anic Arabic Text.
- Outline of Pertinent Information: Before the start of each Srah, information relating to its Period of Revelation, Major Issues, Divine Laws and Guidance has been presented as an outline. Then a summary of the preceding events has been tabulated for the reader to understand the historical background to grasp the full meaning of the ! Divine Message.
- Reviews, Input and Approvals: This project was started in 1991 and initial draft completed in 1994. Then the Translation was sent to different Ulema (Scholars) in Town and throughout United States for their review and input. After their reviews and input it was sent to Jame Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in Egypt, Ummal Qur in Saudi Arabia and International Islamic University in Pakistan for their review, input and approval. This translation was published after their reviews and approvals.
I commend your efforts to build a bridge between the Muslim and non-Muslim community. As translated Al-Qur'an has already become very popular reading among my staff, I would like to request three additional copies. -- Rodeny Ellis, Texas State Senator, 'Chairman, Jurisprudence Committee'
I have read Al-Qur'an, The Guidance for mankind, from cover to cover. We, at our center, have compared your Translation with Allama Yusuf Ali, Dr. Asad and Dr. Muhsin and have concluded that your translation is the best Da'wah tool available to us in the United States. -- Dr. Aslam Abdullah, Editor-in-Chief, The Minaret
I have read your translation of Al-Qur'an and it gives me a great pleasure to mention that you have indeed accomplished a wonderful job. Furthermore, it is with great pleasure and honor to certify that I have proofread the revised edition of Al-Qur'an for more than once and Insha Allah to the best of my knowledge there is no error in this final manuscript. -- G. A. Khan, Reviewer of Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation
I pray this letter finds you in the best of health and high Islamic spirits. We are very much interested to obtain a copy of Al-Qur'an: The Guidance for mankind, the new English Translation for our research library. Also with your permission and gratis support we can distribute copies to Mascjid, Correction Institutions in the Louisville area, where there are many Muslim inmates who are craving for the Qur'ans. Also in the State of Kentucky there are quite a number of Muslim inmates in various other Correction Institutions looking for a copy of Al-Qur'an. -- Ibrahim B. Syed Ph.D., Islamic Research Foundation
My mother is visiting me here in South Africa. She lives in Canada and had the opportunity to attend ISNA's annual conference in Chicago. There she got "Al-Qur'an, The Guidance for mankind." I read Surah Ya-Sin as soon as I saw it. Alhumdulillah, what a beautiful translation. We have a small sisters halqa that meets weekly and your Translation is ideal for us. At present we are using Yusuf Ali, Maududis and Dayabadi's (May Allah bless them and grant them jannah for their work) but your summaries and notes are exactly what we are looking for. -- Fatima Bhyat, South Africa
Other Sources:
Allah's signs and ayat in the universe - Surah An-Namal Verse 93 Quran
Allah, the Forgiving, the Merciful - Surah Zumar Verse 53 Quran