My Journey From Darkness to Light is a lot of beautiful stories of a selected few that Allah The Most High guided to this blessed way of life (Islam). These are some of the most unique stories I’ve ever heard.Allah The Most High guides whom He pleases, how He pleases, from where He pleases, and through whatever means He pleases, as you will see in some of the upcoming most beautiful and jaw dropping stories. Some reversion stories were more complicated than others. Some stories you read by the permission of Allah the Most High will probably make you shed a few tears, some will probably make you smile and laugh, and some you may not even believe.... but that's their story.
Product Attributes::
Author: Jawaad Salahudeen - (T.Adams)
Pages: 91
Size in inches: 5.5x8.5x0.25
Size in CM: 14x21.5x0.70