Although the main Miracle given to Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the Noble Quran, Allah supported him with many other Miracles also. Out of these many Miracles, a few of them are presented in this book.
Format: 6x9" HB
Pages: 239
ISBN: 9960-897-56-7
The purpose of this book is to enlighten the Muslim youth about the Miracles of the Prophet (S).
Allah supported his Messengers with the Miracles to help them in times of distress, to prove the truth of the Messages that they were sent with, and to prevent liars and false claimers of Prophethood.
Although the main Miracle given to our Prophet (S) was the Noble Qur'an, but Allah supported him with many other Miracles also. Out of these many Miracles, a few of them are presented in this book.