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The Valley Came Alive


This is a concise form of Ibn Kathir's Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah with a complete focus on the biographical details of Prophet Muhammad (S). It provides ample glimpse into the lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad, the battles he fought, his campaign, his companions, his mannerisms and wisdom under the superior guidance of Allah Almighty. The treatise has made use of all kinds historical resources to present true facts to the readers and stands alone in its content authenticity standards.

Darussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This volume contains a detail account of the life and times of the Messenger of Allah taken from a number of historical and traditional sources. The book reports the events of his blessed life, his battles, military campaigns, the delegations that met him, and sheds light upon the unique exemplary qualities, virtues and signs of his Messengership that make him a guide and role-model for all of humanity until the end of time.

A1-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida 'Imad ad-Deen lsma'eel bin 'Umar ibn Katheer, is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.


Other Sources:

Al-Muizz (The Giver of Honor) - Allah's / Gods' Name

Al-Mujib (The Responsive, The Answer) - Allah's / Gods' Name

The Story of the People of the Ditch

Strong faith wisdom