Brief Synopsis:
This book provides description of the principles of leadership, and a comparison of Islamic concept of leadership and the American experience. This book enables its readers to understand the true spirit of leadership in Islam through examples of many of the great leaders of Islam. This book contains:
- Linguistic and conceptual definitions of leadership
- Principles of Islamic leadership
- Stories and examples of many Muslim leaders including the strategies of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
- Types of leadership with explanation and detailed discussion.
- A comparison of the western and Islamic merits of leadership.
This is a modern study in the concepts related to leadership in the Islamic world and the West that provides a deep insight into both ideologies.
In this work , Dr. Yusuf bin Uthman Al Huzaim offers an insightful awareness of the many theories and practices of leadership deriving from Islamic heritage and the modern American experience. Dr Al Huzaim combines Western management theory and practices with Islamic principles. From an Islamic standpoint, Dr. Al Huzaim does not rely on western philosophy to establish principles of leadership, but he draws on them to demonstrate the vast wealth of literature on the subject (a point he emphasizes to the Arab world for its lack of specialized works in this field) while only tending to draw on those that are in agreement with the truth.