This book is a collection of inspiring stories and people experiences to the blessed and holy city of Mecca…the Kaabah. There are some beautiful photos to go along with the awesome stories.From the back cover:Before you are some breathtaking experiences that by the permission of Allah will bring you to tears, put you on your knees, or put something in your heart so you can make it to the location of Allah's most sacred house, the Ka'bah (of course with an invitation). These humbling journeys that you will be reading about are individuals who were invited by their Creator, whether it had been the Hajj or the Umrah to visit this HolySanctuary, and they accepted that wonderful invitation.The first attempt of these mind-boggling experiences was to give the reader what each one of these individuals had felt, seen, heard and experience. Just the thought of that would have been a miracle and impossible in itself. The second attempt was just to download a lot of beautiful photos of Mecca and Medinah and try to share those special and amazing moments. Still it would have been unattainable!"As I walked into the masjid and headed towards the crowds of people staring at the Ka'ba, my emotions were uncontrollable. I burst into tears and began saying, Allahu Akbar!" George Green "Ibrahim Khalil"
Product Attributes::
Author: Jawaad Salahudeen - (T.Adams)
Pages: 98
Size in inches: 5.5x8.5x0.25
Size in CM: 14x21.75x0.70