Adventures of the Toothpaste and Toothbrush
Speedy Turtle
With the joking & joy, with the exciting adventures, with the cooperation for the good & helping friends
and urging for cleanness of place, body and tools ... with... Adventures of the toothpaste & toothbrush
- The lion's taming
- Passengers stories
- The missing shadow
- The bubbles' problem
- The anarchy
- The empty drawer
- The washing room
- The prize
- Lady of party
- The heroes
- The stars wishes
- Exchange of jobs
- The lost luggage
- Speedy turtle
- Amusing trip
- Especial invitation
Other Sources:
Believers at Time of Death - Surah Fussilat Verse 30 Quran
Believers on the Day of Resurrection - Surah Al-Anbiya 103 Quran