Brief Synopsis:
This book is a part of Islamic history books series. It covers the life and times of the first Caliph of Islam who was the closest companion of the Prophet (SAW). It is essential for all Muslims to be aware of the history of Islam and draw guidance and inspiration from the lives of great Muslim personalities. This book is the first one in a series of four books about the rightly guided Caliphs of Islam. Some features of this book include:
- Accurate historic details of the early days of Islam starting from the demise of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Caliphate of Abu Bakr till the death of the first Caliph of Islam.
- Complete biography of Abu Bakr As Siddiq, his birth, pedigree, Life before and after accepting Islam, services to Islam and its Prophet, Caliphate and reforms for Islamic society.
- A detailed account of Islamic conquests and spread of Islamic territory during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr.
- A separate chapter on the character, personality and physical traits of Caliph Abu Bakr.
- References to the Quran and Sunnah.
- Exercises and activities at the end of each chapter to test the knowledge gained
This is a complete book of history for the students of grade six. It covers details of the early days of Islam especially the Caliphate of Abu Bakr As Siddiq.
This is the first volume from this series, which deals with the life of Ab Bakr as-iddq, the first of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs. No other person in the History of Islam can be compared to him when it comes to truthfulness, insight into Islamic teachings and devotion to Allah and His Messenger (S). He was outstanding and unique in his commitment, sincerity, and whole-hearted support and assistance to the Prophet.
Our past, present, and future are interconnected and interdependent. Therefore, knowing and understanding our history is not optional: it is essential.
Darussalam presents the entire History of Islam to our youth in language that appeals to them, in a simple yet lucid manner. The first four volumes in this series explore Islamic history during the period of the first Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs. Later volumes would be devoted to the History of Islam, down through the ages to modern times, insha'Allah.
History of Islam - A Reader Series - Suitable for Grade Six (Age group 10+)
The Age of the Rightly Guided Caliphs - Al-Khulafa ar-Rashidun
Abu Bakr as-Siddique - The First of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- The Death of the Messenger of Allah
- Completion of the task
- The Prophet Final Illness
- Abu Bakr's Return
- Umar Realizes the Messenger of Allah had Indeed Died
- Men of Madinah Meet to Elect a Chief
- The Caliphate of Abu Bakr as Siddiq
- Abu Bakr's Inaugural Address
- The Funeral Prayer & Burial of the Prophet
- Abu Bakr the First of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs
- Usmah Ibn Zayd's Army
- Abu Bakr as-Siddiq
- His Name, Ancestry, Titles, family and His Life
- 1. As-Siddiq
- 2. Al-Atiq
- 3. As-Sahib
- His Birth and Physical Description
- His Family
- Asma bint Abu Bakr
- Aishah the Mother of the Believer
- Umm Kulthum
- Abu Bakr as-Siddiq's Life in Makkah
- The Quraysh Loved Him
- Abu Bakr's Acceptance of Islam
- Abu Bakr Preaches the Message of Islam
- Trial and Tribulations
- Abu Bakr Spent his Wealth to Purchase
- The Freedom of Muslim Slaves
- Abu Bakr's Emigration [al-Hijrah]
- With the Messenger of Allah to al-Madinah
- Abu Bakr's Faith in Action
- Abu Bakr: the First of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs
- Progress of Islam does not stop with the death of anyone
- Challenges and Problems Faced
- By Abu Bakr as-Siddiq as a Caliph
- Abu Baka War Against Apostates
- False Prophets
- Aswad al-Ansi
- Saj'ah bint al-Harith ibn Suwaid
- Musaylamah:the Liar
- Gathering the Glorious Quran in a Single Book
- The Spread of Islam
- The Conquest of Iraq
- The Roman Empire and the Iranian Empire
- The Conquest of Iraq
- The Conquests in ash-Sham
- Abu Bakr Appoints Umer Ibn al-Khattab
- As His Successor and Abu Bakr's Death
- Abu Bakr's Time to Depart Draws Near
- Abu Bakr's Character: Extremely Simple Life
Other Sources:
Surah An-Naas (Chapter 114) from Quran - Arabic English Translation | ||
Surah An-Naba' (Chapter 78) from Quran - Arabic English Translation |