By: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (736-795 H)
Pages: 896
Binding: Hardback
Size: 7x9.5" (17x24.5 cm)
Edition: 1st, 2008
The sayings and practices of Prophet Muhammad are a source of guidance and inspiration for the entire Muslim Ummah. These are to be read and shared by everyone. Those who seek deeper knowledge of hadith also like to read about the hadith sciences that refer to classification of ahadith and their interpretations. This book is an ideal source of knowledge as it offers:
- Deep knowledge of the science of the classification of hadith
- A collection of ahadith and seerah with commentary
- References to authentic sources of ahadith
- Fine division of chapters so that the knowledge on different topics is easier to obtain and find.
This book has been written in simple and refined Arabic language. It is a useful resource for those who want to specialize in the science of Hadith and update their exiting knowledge of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Other Sources:
Describes the Prophet’s manners and etiquettes |
Describes the various ways in which Satan tries to trick you |