Complete Noble Quran Word-for-Word English Translation
A Must Have Collection of the Quran! Worth the investment!
There are approximately 77,000 words in the Quran!
This unique version of the Quran set (see below) that is compiled in 3 volumes, contains a word by word translation of the full Quran!
Needless to say, this was a very difficult task. However, the translators were successful in completing this very fine job.
Obviously this required 3 volumes (books) to present all the Quranic words. More challenging was the task to present the Quran to make it easily understandable. So, you can see not only a word by word translation but also the complete verses translation done using the right colors to make it easy to understand.
Not many people have this unique Quran set yet. Due to the Quran set available in 3 volumes, they are not printed as often. Although we do have a small number of copies still available, if they run out, the next ones may not come as fast. So, secure your personal copy quickly.
This is the first colored Word-for-Word English translation to understand the meanings of the Arabic verses along with grammatical terms. Each word is differently colored along with it's meaning in the same color to facilitate learning each word while comprehending a block of words. Study the Noble Quran Word for Word (complete in 3 volumes). Translation by: Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.
To understand the Quran it is necessary that one should know the translation of every word of the verse. Therefore, to convey to the people, the more accurate meaning of the Quranic verses, the word-for-word translation of the meanings of the Noble Quran is produced. Since mere word-for-word translation itself does not lead to the complete understanding, the idiomatic translation is also produced on the same page to facilitate for the complete awareness.
Quran Information
Pages: 578 in 3 Volumes
Binding: Hardback
Size: 7x9.5x1.2" (17x24x3 cm)
Format: Full Color