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Manners in Islam-Imam Bukhari's Book of Muslim Morals and Manners (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad in English) - Arabic Islamic Shopping Store

Manners in Islam - Imam Bukhari's Book of Muslim Morals and Manners (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad in English)


islamic manners book


As one of the most essential books (830 pages) for all Muslim households, this must have book comprehensively covers the manners and  character that a Muslim should exhibit in his or her daily life.

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As Prophet Muhammad was a role model for the humanity, this book covers his traditions as documented in great detail by Imam al-Bukhari. who is is famous worldwide for his major work, 'al Jami' al Sahih' (Sahih al Bukhari). This book called 'al Adab al Mufrad' in Arabic, is translated into English and includes a compilation from a variety of sources.

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This book includes various topics related to a Muslim character, including: treatment of parents and children, maintaining a good nature, hospitality, knowing how to ask Allah, making light of others, and much more. It is written in the Arabic text with the English translation.

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Topics Include:

  • Read the many stories from hadith on Islamic manners

  • Manners that a Muslim must have in light of both Quran and Hadith

  • Learn how life changes with the right Islamic character

  • Lead a joyous life by learning the stories of good manners of the Prophet

  • 55+ Chapters and topics on Islamic mannerism

  • Serious behavioral mistakes that invites Allah’s curse

  • How should parents behave with children?

  • Children behavior to parents (in all ages). What should children do when dealing with unjust parents?

  • Learn the mistakes that Muslims make in behaving with relatives, friends, and others

  • Order of priority in respecting relatives

  • How to treat neighbors including non-Muslim neighbors and 15+ guidance topics on neighbors

  • Tips on dealing with those under you when you are a manager and an employer

  • Dealing with distressful situations

  • Learn what happens to a ‘fault finder’

  • Rules when hosting guests

  • How to treat the elderly?

  • Stories of injustice and how to deal with those cases

  • Warning on criticizing one’s ancestry

  • Failure to Fulfill a Promise

  • Praying for Good Manners

  • and MANY more... (830 PAGES!)

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 Other Sources:


A Muslim's Obligation of Love for Allah
A Nasheed on Ramadan