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Indonesian & Mandar: Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem - Arabic Islamic Shopping Store

Indonesian & Mandar: Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem


Dual Indonesian & Mandar language translation of The Holy Quran. Right column has Arabic text, middle has Mandar translation and the left column has the corresponding Indonesian translation. Quran translation is authenticated & printed by King Fahd Printing Complex in Saudi Arabia.

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia [bahasa.indonesia]) is the official language of Indonesia. Mandar (also Andian, Manjar, Mandharsche) is an Austronesian language spoken by the Mandar ethnic group living in West Sulawesi province of Indonesia, especially in the coastal regencies of Majene and Polewali Mandar.

Translator: Mohammad Edham Khalid Bodi
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 1251

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indonesian quran bahasa

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Other Sources:


The Need of Allah's Grace and Mercy - Surah Nur Verse 14 Quran
The Outcome of our Choices and Decisions - Path of Truth vs Falsehood